A Better body scale for Khajit and Argonian Male Balanced New Beast Scales Heavy Version Coverkhajiits Better males Beautiful nudes and faces sundracon Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition CBBE Mature skin texture and body for UNP CBBE ADEC Body and face normal maps Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents Male Vanilla Skyrim females are typically OK looking so these two mods play nice Women of Skyrim with optional smooth faces for elves. I put a lot of time and effort to build my modded game. At the end of the day, you’ll still be the world-saving hero, whether you’re into that or not.Skyrim child body mod The Forgotten City is an award winning drawing inspiration from DreamBurrow 39 s really ador able children Features This mod overhauls all vanilla children NPCs 39 appearances to fit into the world of Skyrim you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. You can sell a kid into slavery, but Preston Garvey will still think you’re the tops.

In other words, while Fallout 4 still lets the player engage in some really selfish behavior, that behavior has zero impact on the way others treat you. Even characters who were integral to the plot would interact with the player based on their general demeanor.įallout 4 chose to do away with the karma system with it went most of the variations on in-game characters reactions to your behavior. Your moment-to-moment behavior determined which missions were open to you, which settlements would do business with you, and which companions would follow you into battle. Those titles used a karma system that had a subtle, yet distinct impact on gameplay. In Fallout 3 and it’s counterpart, New Vegas, you could be a real son of a bitch. You can now transform yourself into Darth Vader… and it’s a pitch perfect complement to Fallout 4’s revamped sense of morality. One of the most popular PC mods for Fallout 4 has come to the console.