Mount and blade warband crusader
Mount and blade warband crusader

mount and blade warband crusader

Noble class grants 7 different titles from a simple Baron to Archduke.These are divided in 11 subclasses ranging from Freemen to Patrician, including Citizen and Gentryman.Medieval hierarchy system of Lower, Middle, Upper and Noble Classes.These troops help you during the campaign, but are not permanent.Light a medium fire to request 10 troops, light a big fire to request 50 troops. Light one of these and all beacons will be lit, the last one is the Tower of Istmus, which is the beacon of Drachenburg.There are 7 beacons in the mountains which can be lit Capital Drachenburg is a unique grand castle with its own architecture.New troops with unique Teutonic / Crusader armour, weapons and horses:.This Christian faction is based on the Teutonic Order, Minas Tirith (LOTR) and Hohenzollern Castle.

mount and blade warband crusader

Holy Artifacts increase Strength of Faith (Bible, Cross, Quran, Rings).AI kings, lords, princesses and pretenders have religion too (currently only aesthetically purpose).You can convert to a religion, pray and pay donations to priests.Visit a church, mosque, synagogue, shrine or temple.Strength of Faith increases your intelligence attribute, gold, xp and influence points.Choose at start which religion you want (Atheism included).5 different religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Norse Paganism, Tengriism.Buildings and colonies need these resources.New resources added (timber, tools, bricks, marble).You need to buy ships to carry you and your party members, each ship has its own capacity.

mount and blade warband crusader

  • Each ship costs maintenance which is calculated automatically in the weekly budget overview.
  • Buy different types of ships, each with its own price and member capacity.
  • Zendar has a great harbour, the gate to the New World.
  • Leader is called Doge and has unique armour.
  • New faction: Merchant Republic of Zendar.
  • Drowning: no longer getting stuck on the bottom, you will drown.
  • These technology stages will provide bonusses for all troops and unlock new troop tiers.
  • Over time kingdoms will advance in technology.
  • Horizon improvements to enhance the illusion of bigger maps.
  • Complete texture overhaul, realistic colours and graphics.
  • No longer running with swords flapping around.
  • New walls, gates, towers and other siege props for Swadia, Rhodoks, Vaegirs, Sarranids and Khergits
  • New trading goods (ivory, cotton, cloth, coffee, sugar, tobacco, slaves).
  • 265 new helmets (crowns, morions, bascinets, barbuta’s, closed helmets).
  • 50 new types of animals (new horses, camels, boars).
  • 280 new armour items (Crusader, Teutonic, 15th century, 16th century).
  • 220 new weapons (swords, pikes, axes, daggers, coloured lances, firearms).
  • New unique weapons, horses, armour, banners and troops for:

    Mount and blade warband crusader